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PropCo DocuSign News

The global leader in eSignature technology is now available as a fully-functional component of PropCoTM Enterprise property management software.

The result of our commitment to bringing new technology to work where it is most useful, our implementation of DocuSign within PropCoTM Enterprise allows clients to streamline their signature processes for thousands of people per year.

Electronic signatures are a quick and efficient way to create legally binding agreements: they are the electronic equivalent of a pen and paper signature, but have all the advantages of the speed and flexibility of information technology.

Using cloud-based internet technology, DocuSign have created the market leader in authentication. Anyone who has used their platform either to produce and send, or simply to sign documents with an easy click, can testify to how valuable their solution can be.

In fact, DocuSign was first developed in the USA specifically for their property management and lettings industry, and they are the sole supplier of electronic signatures to the 1.1 million members of the American National Association of REALTORS® (NAR).

What we have achieved with PropCoTM Enterprise is the easiest possible integration of DocuSign technology with the PropCo system.

For PropCoTM Enterprise users this means that a simple click of an eSignature button within PropCoTM produces a document ‘envelope’ which is handed to DocuSign to contact all the parties involved, from Landlords to Multiple Tenants and Guarantors. Each signature is tracked in real time, ensuring that PropCoTM Enterprise users have complete visibility of the signature process from within the system.

For tenants and landlords waiting to sign there is the obvious benefit of a quick and secure way to legally endorse their agreements. An email to their desktop or mobile device allows them to link to the document envelope online, and simply sign or initial pages where indicated. It is a rapid and straightforward DocuSign experience.

As well as the convenience for all parties, and the obvious savings in administration and postage and handling, DocuSign eSignatures for PropCoTM Enterprise are a bonus for the planet: the paperless DocuSign eSignature experience is extended from within PropCoTM Enterprise to remove the need for millions of pages of paper each year.

Users and signers can, of course, print a paper copy from a .pdf file, if they choose, but both DocuSign and PropCoTM store the entire paper-free trail electronically: the record-keeping accuracy of the chain of custody is one of their strongest features.

We are really proud of being able to provide this service, which is being taken up by our existing clients as well as rapidly becoming a key feature attracting new customers to chose to use PropCoTM Enterprise.

Click here for the DocuSign website, which is full of information about eSignature technology and the way it is helping to improve business workflows around the world.

Contact Us to arrange a demo of PropCoTM Enterprise, to see DocuSign in action, or to discuss activating DocuSign for your current PropCoTM Enterprise system.

PropCo Team